quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2018



So I'm currently looking for a new stockbroker and today I'm taking a look here at E Trade in their new platform from options house and kind of getting an idea of what's going on with this platform and is it something that I could use for day trading go talk about it in this video so stay tuned what's going on guys so today you were taking a look at a trade and like I said I'm looking for a new broker I'm not sure who I'm gonna pick but I'm really looking for the broker with the best kind of deals maybe some free trades I'm looking for the best platform and then just kind of overall customer service and stuff like that so first off I'm not getting any type of promotional benefit out of talking about e Trade in this video and I want to be honest with you guys this is really the first time that I've used it I've opened it up and I'm just gonna go through it and we'll kind of talk about what I think after looking at it we'll discuss if this is something that I would use for day trading recently e trade bought options house and now they're using the options house platform it looks nice they want to make it look nice and simple and easy to use the actual platform is a web based platform so right there it's already gonna be limited and you can see this is basically everything you're gonna see when you first pull up the platform and it gives you two options you can see some charts here but overall it's just not very intuitive in the sense of charting and getting everything that I need in level 2 and everything that I want to see for my type of trading you know for a momentum kind of trading stock stuff like that this is a very basic version of options house this is a free version that etrade is offering to their clients now let's just kind of break down what it takes for me to actually place one trade so we have a chart pulled up here let's say I want to buy zs a in i want to buy here at the ten dollar area and now what do I have to do to make that trade I got to go up here I'm gonna click trade I got to go into here I gotta change my quantity and now I gotta go here and change this stuff around and I basically press preview so I don't have any money in this account right now but just kind of give you an idea of how many steps it does take to actually place an order so if I wanted to buy fast and sell fast with hockey's it doesn't look like I have that option so that's a big big problem if I'm trying to day trade and I want to be very competitive in these fast moving stocks not having hotkeys is gonna be a big issue now I don't really trade much option stuff I do kind of like this quote window where it tells you the fundamentals gives you guys some ideas on the news and gives you everything in there but overall I don't really need that in my trading platform this is more for somebody who's just kind of investing and wanting to buy stocks every once in a while I wouldn't say that this platform is meant for people who are day trading you know very actively someone who's trading three four or five times a day making trades in and out fast I'm not sure that this options house platform is the right choice for that see if we can get some options pull it up here so looking at GoPro it'll give me the options window here give me the calls give me the puts and give me information there I can change the strike dates and then go through here and change all that stuff so if you're really into trading options this might be a good platform for you I'm not very big into options so I'm not 100% sure what exactly is the best tools for trading options so I can go in here and build a strategy you know actually kind of tell me my risk reward my probability and all that kind of stuff that's kind of cool interesting it's kind of interesting I have the option over here to add my little market viewer got a broken so there we go alright so now I can go over here add my market view or add stuff I'm looking at over there going back to the quote the charts and the options so we have those different things that I can use so check it out the scanner here I can go here to let's say let's run the scan trades at 52-week high and it'll give me all the different stocks are trading a 52-week high which is that's not a bad feature I would actually maybe use this feature and then also use another type of trading platform maybe like a - trader Pro but then use maybe this scanning feature to figure out stuff that's going on I can go in there and change all some rounds kind of cool gap up on high-volume showing me stocks that are gapping up on high-volume I can go over here to trade now it's gonna pull up this be you in I'm gonna hear chart pull the chart and I can look at the chart be see you in making a big move today and that's kind of cool if I go to markets go to live action it'll pop up these different scanners largest number of trades on the day looks like Netflix is the most active on the day right now Netflix up percent today up $8 nice little move there on Netflix so I do I do like this feature like I said this is my first time really using this platform and kind of going through it with you guys breaking down kind of what I see what I might want to use in the future and then kind of seeing if I would use this but I do like this option to have these schemes which is kind of cool just very simple and easy so I do like that feature I'm not gonna hate on that feature that might be a good little feature to have it's a free platform and you can get these different scans quick and easy so if you're not looking to pay $100 a month for like something like trade ideas you can use this each trade options house platform which is free and open an account with each trade and then use this scanning features that they have also giving me some of the news there so there's all kinds of stuff going on inside this platform again it could be great for someone who's in a swing trading or someone who's just investing something who's buying and selling stocks every once in a while but I think for the active day trader for someone who's really in these crazy stocks that go up really big and crash really big stuff like that this might not be the platform for you I'm definitely not going to be using options housed personally for that type of trading maybe I'll use it for my kind of sweet trade and stuff like that maybe open an e trade account just for swing trading alone cuz this is a pretty cool platform for that option but when it comes to actually buying and selling these volatile crazy movers I would not be using options house cuz I really want to see levels I really want to have my hotkeys and I want to go to get in and out rates fast I don't want to click through menus I don't want to move and click and figure stuff out and have all these options so really I know - trader Pro looks like it's from 1999 but really it's just very simple and very easy to use it's all you really need you just need to click click done done in and out fast but being able to you know but having to go through these different menus and click all this different stuff and change options around every time you trade not something that I want to be doing when I'm trading these crazy volatile stocks so there it is checking out the new option South's platform from etrade a pretty cool platform for most people investors swing traders this could be a great platform for you but I'm gonna be looking for something a little bit more advanced a little bit more active trader is she but I'm gonna be looking for something a little bit more advanced something that I can use hotkeys I can get in and out fast for and this is not the one for me.

Options House by ETRADE, Options House Review, Day Trading, Stock Market, Stocks, ETrade Review, Etrade Platform Review, Options House Platform, Etrade Trading Platform, Trading with Etrade, Day Trading with Etrade, DayTrader, Day Trading Platform, Etrade Trading Review, How to Day Trade with Etrade, Etrade News, ETrade deals, Using Etrade for Day Trading, Options House for Day Trading, Day Trading Platforms, Best Day Trading Platform

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